My first Blog

October 20, 2017  •  1 Comment

Doing a blog seems strange in as much it could be a bit like talking to yourself. I'm sure I'll get some followers over time.

Anyway, my recent photography exploits consisted of sitting my Associateship with the Irish Photographic Federation. I stopped shooting in June in order to concentrate on my final preparation to present my Associateship panel to the IPF assessors, which I did with success in September.

It was a 3 year labour of love with many hours down the beach over that time. Some were enjoyable but there was always a frustration if I didn't get the conditions that I was looking for. Nature has a habit of doing that................

Anyway I'm dusting myself and my gear down for my first shoot of the season and heading to Killarney National Park with Blarney Photography Club for a Nature shoot.  Looking forward to it, and hopefully the weather will oblige. Associateship PanelMy panel of 15 images, mostly taken on the beaches of East Cork which I presented, with success, to an assessment sitting of the IPF




Hope the season goes well for you
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